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Old 06-11-2018, 09:45 AM   #24
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
It doesn't mean that much unless it actually translates into wage growth. Looks like this statistic has only been tracked for the last 17 years so the historic significance isn't really that impressive. All these stats have pretty much been in a straight line since the recession.

Big items to watch will be the tax cut burn out as the bump fades, healthcare costs are expected to rise dramatically this year which will offset pay or tax benefits for most people and this idiotic trade war talk that has the potential to trigger a global recession.
"It (low unemployment) doesn't mean that much unless it actually translates into wage growth."

First, I'd bet my life in exchange for a quarter, that's not what you said when unemployment dropped when your hero was president. Second, I would contend it means a lot when someone who was looking for a job, accepts a job. Might not be their dream job, but it's better than no job, unless (like you, apparently) you don't see inherent dignity and value in a day's pay in return for a day's work.

"Looks like this statistic has only been tracked for the last 17 years so the historic significance isn't really that impressive."

Those 17 years include two terms under Obama, who couldn't manage to pull it off.

"healthcare costs are expected to rise dramatically this year "

As opposed to the way they dropped under Obama.

liberal=good, conservative=bad, we all get it.
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