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Old 02-20-2020, 10:30 AM   #1
Jim in CT
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democrat debate last night

not even sure what to say about those angry, stupid, lunatics. Bernie attacking Bloomberg for being successful. How is anyone better off if Bloomberg became a panhandler instead of a billionaire?

He didn’t steal his wealth, he created it. He created it, and he pays some taxes on it and he gives some away, all of which reduces the burden on the rest of us.

then bernie, who’s been in DC for 200 years, complains about the tax code. Who is more responsible for the tax code, a private citizen or someone who’s been in congress for decades?

I actually think bloomberg has a shot in the general, although he’s almost as big a jerk as trump is. but he’s rational. no one else on that stage is a serious person.

Bernie, with three homes,
is bitching about income inequality. and preaching for socialism.
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