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Old 01-30-2015, 01:58 PM   #42
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
He talked about killing someone who tried to carjack him at a gas station which has been investigated with no evidence. He also claimed that he and another guy sneaked into NO after Katrina and were shooting looters from the roof of the superdome which was denied by the military officer running security. They just seem like silly boasts.

I said his story was a vehicle for the movie. Yes, it's about him but from what I've seen the message is more human than about hero worship.
"They just seem like silly boasts"

They sure do, don't they...but that doesn't explain the comments I'm seeing. If someone wants to say he was dishonestly boastful, they might have a point. That's not what I hear the liberal elite saying, although it's not fair for me to hold you accountable for what Howard Dean and Bill Maher say, either.
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