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Old 11-25-2015, 12:31 PM   #88
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Originally Posted by Nebe View Post
Economic hardship is from...... Wait for it......... Waiiiit forrrrrrrr it...............

Crop failure ! Holy clam and cuttlefish !
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So killing people in France is supposed to stop crop failure.? Do you really believe that if we stop using fossil fuels there will be no crop failures? If so, seems like the answer would be to blow up the oil rigs in the Middle East rather than killing folks around the rest of the world.

Oh, yeah . . . yeah . . . some are too stupid to see the connection. They're probably stuck in some two dimensional sort of thinking where the only option is to hire out as assassins. At least then they'll have food in their belly. Sounds like criminal behavior. Ah, that's right. Socialists, a-la Bernie, believe that society is the problem, not criminals. If society was just, there would be no criminals. Oh, maybe some incorrigibles who might profit from some time in reorientation, or maybe a gulag of some sort.

Yup, society must control everything, including climate change. This will take great, minutely detailed, planning. That cannot be left up to run-of-the-mill regular people. They always tend to eff things up. And letting them self-control by the use of some little book of fairy tales and Santa Clauses is much too demeaning. All persons must be given dignity. That can only be done taking away silly notions of freedom and individuality, and instilling a rational devotion to governing experts.

Then they will have the true dignity of being provided what they obviously cannot provide themselves. And in the correct and equal proportions. Climate change will then be neutralized as a source of human discomfort.
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