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Old 08-17-2011, 07:43 AM   #24
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by The Dad Fisherman View Post
They may be living on the liberal dole....but they really are just idiots.

Are the KKK Conservatives?.....or are they just idiots they vote republican
You're missing the point entirely...While the KKK probably votes Republican, when the burn a cross, they aren't upholding conservative principles. They are not acting on behalf of conservative ideals.

When you look at the riots in Europe, most had their genesis in liberal ideology. They are protesting because they don't want the government to tell them they have to work until they are 62. They are rioting, SPECIFICALLY, to uphold the very core principles of liberal ideology. (namely, "gimme, gimme, gimme!"). Those are liberal riots.

John R, like you, I weep for my country, and I pray for my kid's future. When you have 40% of the country still believing in liberal ideology despite the irrefutable math, and despite what's happening in Europe, I have no idea how to heal the chasm between us. These people just don't respond to factual reality, not unless it fits their ideology. I don't get it...
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