Thread: Charlottesville
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Old 08-18-2017, 07:59 AM   #118
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by nightfighter View Post
Removing some of these statues is not the answer. If you rewrite your history you are bound to repeat it.... Just look at Europe as an example. The last generation to survive a world war is passing on, and leaving us with no examples to show the way.
As for the statues; they are of the leaders of the South, who are widely known to have LOST. SURRENDERED. Their way of life was beaten down, and with it, slavery was abolished. Lee was the top graduate in his class from West Point and served in US Army for 32 years before following his state in the succession. He deeply hoped for the union to continue, and was offered a senior command in the Union army.... But he is universally acknowledged as the military leader of the side that LOST. That is what he symbolizes, as do the other statues of those Confederate South leaders. Next we will be burning all copies of Gone With The Wind.... The symbolism of this is off the mark IMO.

Trump is not the answer.
Extremists are not the answer, but will always make themselves known for the wrong reasons.
Anything Nazi or Supremist is unacceptable. I will choose to focus on those two labels, but it goes across the board as far as intolerance.
I don't know that removing statues is re-writing history.

If there is a monument that is there just as an historical marker, that's fine. If the statue is a tribute to the man, that's something else. I was in Nashville last year, and saw a state of Robert E Lee. If the plaque said "Robert E Lee fought a battle here", I would have no problem with that. The plaque was an honor to the man, and the last line was something about thanking him "for the noble cause he dedicated to". Now, I can see where that is DEEPLY offensive to a lot of people. The noble cause, was the right to commit treason, for the sake of enslaving his fellow man. You can argue the cause was state's rights I guess.

I see the left side on this one. But I also figure if Condaleeza Rice is fine with leaving them up, then why should I care if it doesn't bother her, she has a bigger dog in this hunt then me...
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