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Old 08-30-2016, 10:25 AM   #59
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
Sheeple - Every independent fact checker rates Trump as the most dishonest presidential candidate in either party for the past many, many years.
When you look at "independent" fact checkers "ratings" over time, you notice patterns that don't exactly look "independent." Who checks the fact checkers? When did they become God?

As far as presidential candidates go, they are caught in a warp in which, for that time, they are supposed to convince a hundred million people that they have "answers" to what are, for the most part, the wrong questions. It is that, unholy, yet peculiarly sacred in its own recurring way, time when we expect to hear the hoped for fabrications on how the country will be "fixed."

We don't really expect that the promises will be kept, that what is said is actually true, we just hope that it convinces enough voters to put the candidate of our prejudicial choice into the position of giving us what we think we want.

Except for the minority of "purists" who insist on being true to constitutions and such--to an actual predictable, agreed upon system of government. But the purists don't really count when it's time to choose between fundamental truths and getting stuff. It is difficult to have a rational discussion with someone who is interested in getting stuff, especially "free" stuff. And whatever lies it takes to convince those voters that they're going to get stuff will be forgotten if their guys win. And if they don't get their stuff right away, or the stuff isn't as good as promised, there's the next round of presidential candidates to make it happen, or even make it better. All they need to do is say the right things, make the right promises to most of the different "constituencies."

Is there really such a thing as a "lie" when it comes to politics? Isn't it true that you can tell when a politician is lying--when his lips are moving? So when is a politician the most "dishonest" one? When her lips move more than the others?

Lying in political campaigns is a unique beast, apparently an acceptable one. Lying in your personal life is another matter. Between Hillary and Trump, who lies more outside of campaigning is probably not quantifiable.

And is sarcasm a lie?
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