Thread: National Debt
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Old 07-29-2011, 06:00 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
I'd agree, if ever there was a call to flush all the bums out this is it. I think people thought the incoming Tea Party was an attempt at this...but it looks like they've mostly elected a number of crazies to Congress.

Obviously, we differ on who the bums are. I think it's reasonable to believe that those who were taking mulligans the past 50 years and expanding government for the past 100 or so years and the ones who are asking us to continue the process are the bums. They're the ones who got us here and want to get us deeper into the mess, not the Tea Party and their newly elected reps who want to stop this march into fiscal and unconstitutional oblivion.

Had Boehner had the Blue Dogs to do deal with instead of his own party it's quite likely the House would have passed a reasonable bill the Senate would have had to put before the President to sign.

Certainly, the caving in Republicans of the past would have come to a "reasonable accomodation" with the Dems (that is, giving the Dems everything they want but for some trifles the Dems what put back later anyway) out of fear the media would make them out to be "mean spirited" or such. The "media" is not so one sided as it used to be, and the Tea Party type Republicans don't seem to be quite as afraid as their predecessors. So they might put up a fight. They'll probably lose. Hope not.
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