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Old 01-28-2020, 11:07 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by Jim in CT View Post
Again, Wayne, your political agenda prevents you from just saying, "CNN should do better". You cannot just say that, you just can't. Because your side can never, ever be in the wrong.
No agenda when your Man insults people 10000 times to CNN lemon show 1

you expect equal outrage ??? with this gotcha but when the evidence of name calling is in Black and white you say I have an agenda, yes I do to point out the Hypocrisy the dems name calling will lose the election

but Trump's name calling is a formulated plan to troll Dems into unreasonable reponses , and is genius ( you have basically said this over and over)

PS who again are these giving this intense backlash for mocking Trump supporters as "credulous boomer rubes," GOP strategist roasts Pompeo's response to NPR incident seem you missed the point this was about Pompeo

So Mike Pompeo being asked tough questions from a reporter then presenting this reporter a map asking if she even knows where ukraine is, calling her a liar (but not saying what she lied about) and barred her who has covered the State Department for nearly two decades,” from his plane...

This doesn't outrage you .. the below does

credulous : showing too great a readiness to believe things. Boomer : short for baby boomer RUBE: a country bumpkin.

From breitbart
CNN Segment Ridicules Trump Supporters as Illiterate ‘Rubes’ because Secretary of State Mike Pompeo stood up for himself against the welfare queens over at NPR. Pompeo asked one of the welfare queen’s fake reporters if she could find Ukraine on a map, and this is where our story begins…

Last edited by wdmso; 01-28-2020 at 11:37 AM..
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