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Old 06-04-2020, 03:36 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
Keep believing in and spreading propaganda for a man who thinks citizens should not have the right to protest.

He has stated their right to protest. Where do you get that he thinks citizens should not have the right to protest.

What "riot" occurred in Tiananmen?

I don't know. Maybe he knows something we don't.
Or maybe he mispoke. Or maybe he lied.

A peaceful protest by the citizens of that country.

That is why all the non-authoritarians decried it.

Trump didn't support it, said it was horrible. He used it as an example of how government strength, rather than weakness, is preferable. Poor choice of example. But I understood his underlying message.

Much like the one in Lafayette Square, the world is watching.

It's characteristic of the self-righteous, superior folks that they see "the world" as being that which reflects them. Anyone else is too ignorant to consider.

So it comes as a surprise when "the world" has a different opinion.

So far in this country they have only been arresting protesters.
Did the "protesters" do anything to get arrested? Did they steal anything, break anything that wasn't theirs, attack and injure anyone? Heard there have so far been 51 arrests for federal crimes.

I'm sure that our right thinking, compassionate white folks would disapprove of that as being oppressive, unless, of course, the 51 were white supremacists.

Actually, they arrested the four officers whose action "sparked" the protest. You'd think that should have been the goal, the way to minimize so-called systemic police brutality. Especially when even just about all the "conservatives" agree that the cop was guilty and should be punished to the extent of the law.

But if no white cops ever killed another black man, they probably wouldn't be doing their jobs. Unless there were never again any criminal black men. It really doesn't happen that much where it's not "justified."

We've seen this movie over and over, several times, white cop kills a black man, riots and burning, maiming, killing by "protesters" ensues--which don't seem to stop the white cops killing black men. Punishing the cops is never really enough.

Then comes the usual predictable deluge of understanding and important white folks, celebrities, politicians, speaking mea culpas for all white people--the entire privileged, racist, race of white people.

This time, we're going to fix it. First, for the umpth time, we white folks have to come to grips of how guilty we all are. Once we do that, it will be easy to realize what matter of reparations and how much money must be spent to once and for all, fix it.

If you make enough self flagellating, guilt ridden declarations, new symbolic laws or regulations, giveaways, wealth transfers, etc., the bad feelings will go away. For awhile.

Trump is different. He upsets the norm. He must be destroyed.
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