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Old 04-28-2011, 02:30 PM   #4
Jim in CT
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I'm confused...Zimmy says that raising taxes on business has no consequences?? If Zimmy is correct, why would Amazon leave South Cariolina? If Zimmy is correct, how can tax hikes hurt business owners like Johnny D?

Hold the phone...could it be, that raising taxes on businesses, is the same thing as raising taxes on people, because it's people who ultimately pay those taxes? And that there can be adverse consequences?

If that's true, then Obama and Zimmy are...wait for it...wrong.

Thank you Johnny D for posting this. Based on my observations, liberals think there is this giant ATM machine out there called "business", and that we can raid this ATM machine with tax hikes whenever we have the urge, and that there are no adverse consequences, presumably because businesses are all rich and they are all evil, and that raising taxes on them cannot possibly impact anyone who is not wealthy and evil.

Liberals also claim that when conservatives like me want policies that HELP people like Johnny D, that we are simply pandering to the wealthy at the expense of sick children.
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