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Old 03-26-2014, 04:03 PM   #22
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
I don't like the idea that a for profit corporation has religious beliefs which trump federal law. So if my corporation is run by Scientologists will they deny me my mental health medication?

But really, best line I read in a comment to an article on the topic. I'll paraphrase...

But this company has no problem selling cheap Chinese crap made by women nearly enslaved and given forced abortions...what hypocrites.

Great point anonymous.

"I don't like the idea that a for profit corporation has religious beliefs which trump federal law"

You don't have to like it. That's the thing about the constitution, it applies even when you don't like it.

I don't like it whan an artist makes a painting of Jesus covered in feces, but his right to do that is guaranteed by the freedom of speech. Same for flag-burners.

I don't like it when the Westboro Baptist Church stages rallies at military funerals. But their right to do that is guaranteed by the freedom of assembly.

I don't like anything that Rachael Maddow says. But her right to say stupid and hateful things is guaranteed by the freedom of the press.

I don't like it when people send itiotic requests to congressmen. But their right to do that is guaranteed by the right to petition for redress of grievances.

You may not like a Christian business choosing not to pay for their employees to fornicate. LIKE IT OR NOT, their right to do that is guaranteed by the freedom of religion.

Fortunately for us, your personal preferences are not a litmus test for when the constitution applies and when it doesn't. The constutution doesn't only apply when it serves your Bolshevik agenda.

Here's more good news. Not one of the Hobby Lobby employees is forced to work there. They can work elsewhere.

"what hypocrites"...

Let's see the proof that the specific warehouse from which Hobby Lobby buys their stuff, has brutal labor practices. Until you show that proof, your smear is nothing more than ideologically-driven speculation. No one is interested. Figures that your favorite quote of all of this, is a baseless smear. What a shocker.

Finally, mental disease is a legitimate illness recognized by the AMA. Recreational sex is a purely voluntary activity that some people choose to engage in. If one wants safety devices associated with their chosen hobbies, why the f*ck can't they pay for it themselves. I like to SCUBA dive, so can I ask my employer for a free dive computer? Try telling me the difference...
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