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Old 09-11-2016, 11:48 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
again that was 66 years ago your getting closer it is 2016

todays republicans Party I stress TODAYS

A federal appeals court has blocked a proof-of-citizenship requirement on a federal mail voter registration form in Kansas, Alabama and Georgia.

What is your objection to this? Is this supposed to be racist? Wouldn't the requirement be applied to all races?

Supreme Court Shuts Down Michigan’s Push To Eliminate ‘Straight-Ticket’ Voting

Straight ticket applies to both parties. This would affect Republican voters as well as Democrats. Although it's not necessary to vote straight ticket, voters are persuaded by political machines to do so, thereby dumbing them down to strict party lines--making it easier for either party to get bad candidates elected when there would be a better choice.

The "ease" of straight ticket voting makes it easier to dissuade voters from any critical thinking and into just being Party mules--easier just to, as you might say, carry the Party's water.

It makes it easier to control political thought. And the supposed difficulty in splitting a ticket (it's not difficult nor a hardship) in favor of a straight ticket actually makes it difficult, if not impossible, for instance, for a Republican to even run in any Detroit precincts. It's a version of your "we dont need to convince you to Vote for us we'll just make it harder [for Republicans] in the hopes you don't vote for them

Republican-Authored Voting Laws in Wisconsin, Kansas, North Carolina Overturned

This is a simplistic statement.

the new GOP we dont need to convince you to Vote for us we'll just make it harder in the hopes you don't vote for them
You could more justly apply this statement to the political concept of your party giving you more than the other party. There is no need to convince voters of the virtue of self-reliance and personal freedom if you can provide them with enough to get along. No need to convince you that it is destructive to a free civil society when government takes your place in shaping your life.

It is very difficult to have a rational political discussion with someone who wants free stuff. And it is almost impossible to convince that person that the stuff is not free.
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