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Old 04-20-2020, 06:04 PM   #5
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Pete likes certain timelines. Doubt that he'll like this one provided by the Hudson Institute. It shows China's duplicity in covering up its culpability in spreading the virus and The WHO's complicity in covering up for China. It's long, covering the period from mid November to mid April, listing about 80 dates involving significant information in each.

It substantiates what I said in the above post and shows how China along with its running mate WHO covered up what the rest of the world needed to know to stop the virus early on, thus being the real culprits in the spread of Covid-19 to the rest of the world.

Please read it. It's an easy bullet point layout so you don't have to read excessive verbiage and doesn't take much time or effort to get through. It's VERY enlightening.
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