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Old 04-29-2018, 10:34 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
The job
Time will tell how Trump did . . . I don’t trust him.
So when you said "just think how bad Clinton could have lost to a decent Republican candidate who could actually do the job" you didn't actually mean that Trump could not "actually do the job,"--right? You just don't trust him, and "time will tell," and he really hasn't done anything worthwhile, just hasn't screwed things up yet, that we can tell, and he's a scumbag, and you just don't trust him, and he's a scumbag, and what the polls say, and stuff, right?

And when you said "If his job is making sure that the proletariat (lowest class of citizens, predating Marx by more than a thousand years) have less and grows as a group, while ensuring that the wealthiest people control more and more then yes, one would say he is doing his job" you weren't actually saying That Trump is creating or expanding a Roman Empire form of the proletariat, right? Because, after all, the Roman proletariat did not have a Constitution which protected their unalienable rights. Nor were they allowed to vote. And, of course, you weren't saying that Trump was expanding a Marxist type proletariat, right? Because that proletariat would have control of the political power--a dictatorship of the proletariat that would imprison or execute a Trump. You were just making kinda nice, smart sounding, offhand remarks, right?

And when you said "The rise of the corporation will lead to the end of democracy in this country. The middle class is the heart of democracy and it is dying," you weren't blaming Trump, right? That stuff has been going on long before Trump--probably in earnest since the 1960's. All those Presidents and Congresses and state and local politicians left that mess for Trump to "inherit," right? And, anyway, even though he hasn't done anything significant yet and claims credit for anything good that would happen in spite of him, since you don't trust him and he's a scumbag, he probably won't be able to do the job either. But maybe a "decent" Republican would (for a change from all the presidents of the last 60 years) be able to do the job and bring back the middle class, right?

I am a tiny bit curious about your claim that corporations will lead to the end of democracy in this country. And about your notion that what you refer to as "Non-Originalist" judges who can change the meaning of constitutional text, which in effect rewrites the Constitution without having to amend it by will of the people, would not lead to the end of our form of democracy in this country.

As you have corrected my misunderstanding of your view on Trump's doing "the job," could you now explain how corporations will lead to the end of democracy in this country, but why judges usurping the power of the people's representatives by legislating from the bench and rewriting the law which guarantees our liberty, in ways that suit their personal prejudices, thereby replacing those unalienable liberties with only freedoms that government allows, will not endanger democracy in this country?

Last edited by detbuch; 04-30-2018 at 05:59 PM..
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