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Old 06-30-2019, 08:34 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by Got Stripers View Post
And that sir is why meddling shouldn’t happen, thank you for helping clarify, tip of the hat!
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device
"Shouldn't"? How do you go about eliminating meddling? You want to go to war? Slap on the wrist? Huff and puff about how mad it makes you and if you don't stop we'll do something really bad to you?

When Pompeo warned the Russians that meddling would damage our attempts at improving relations, was that too soft? Should he have included a physical threat of some kind?

Should Trump, every time he speaks to Putin, tell him to stop meddling or he'll do something really bad to Russia, even worse than what he has done such as pumping more oil to hurt Russia's main source of foreign income, creating or strengthening military alliances with Eastern European countries on Russia's border, supplying weapons to Ukraine, maintaining the Ukraine related sanctions until Crimea is returned to Ukraine, expelling Russian diplomats, sanctioning Russians who were indicted by Mueller, putting tariffs on goods from Russia's main military ally China, putting economic sanctions on Iran, one of Russia's strongest allies in the Middle East thus severely crippling its economy?

If none of that has gotten Russia's attention that we are not pleased with its actions including meddling, what exactly will? Should he do more of the same, or worse? And how will that worse affect our ability to get any kind of beneficial deal re arms, denuclearization, cooperation against terrorism, a better relation with the West in general, including economic and political?

Trump may be naïve in thinking he can "make a deal" with countries like Russia, or China, or North Korea. On the other hand, if he does walk softly but carries a really big stick, and can put enough of an economic squeeze on those big, bad, meddlers, maybe they will come to the table with an agreement in the right direction.

And maybe if the U.S. stops meddling in the affairs of other countries, we would actually have the high moral meddling ground.

And if We Americans stopped meddling in the affairs of fellow Americans in order to defeat them, such as creating fake dossiers provided by foreign entities in order to defeat an opposing presidential candidate, maybe we can talk about how meddling shouldn't happen.

Fat chance.
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