Thread: Россия
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Old 02-21-2018, 01:50 PM   #85
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
I dont hate Republican for being Republicans .
"voter fraud would rob him of the election"

Nope, Trump wasn't worried about voter fraud, he was talking about media bias. Regardless of the specific type of interference Trump was complaining about, Obama said it wasn't possible to interfere with the outcome of a presidential election. My my, how things change.

"His biggest lie he said he was going to make America great again !!
America never stopped being great "

I happen to agree with you, but that's not a demonstrable lie, it's a difference of opinion.

Obama promised "hope and change", well when was America ever hopeless and always the same? You criticize Trump for a campaign slogan, but not Obama.

"again you fail she was investigated and in the sunlight you just dont like the outcome "

I asked you what you thought of what as revealed in the email investigation. You dodged.

"you love speaking for Black america being down doesn't mean resolved"

Who said 'resolved'? Black unemployment I slower than it was during any point in the Obama administration. You cannot acknowledge the beauty of that (though we still have work to do) because you are blinded by partisan hate. The dems who sat, all feel the same way. If Hilary had won and she used that same line, would they have still sat? Would you still say "big deal, it's not resolved'?

"ISIS was getting pulverized from the start are you saying it took a republican to convince you it was happening "

Nope, I give Obama credit for that. See? It's possible to honestly acknowledge the good things the other party does. You should try it sometime.

Now, can you tell me who the Little Sisters discriminate against, [please?
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