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Old 07-29-2022, 08:37 AM   #20
Pete F.
Join Date: Jun 2003
Location: vt
Posts: 13,074
Originally Posted by Jim in CT View Post
wholesale inflation was up 11% for june over prior year. lots of companies don’t have profit margins nearly high enough to absorb that.

So as usual, you’re wrong, companies have no choice. Doesn’t mean some arent gouging. but costs of labor and raw goods are way up. that’s going to lead to higher prices in the real world.

also, the feds printed a lot of checks and handed them out to people. That obviously was a catalyst in consumer spending.

if your opposed to corporate profits pete, you should
be angry that both trump and biden mailed big fat checks to lots of people who weren’t impacted one cent by covid.
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That’s the total profits Exxon Mobil raked in, in just one quarter this year.

The fossil fuel industry doesn’t need another subsidy.

Working families do.
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Niles: You have met “people”, haven’t you?

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