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Old 12-28-2017, 11:36 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by Got Stripers View Post
My post is my counter to your perception of the man and the job he is doing, goose-gander buddy.

I don't think I've stated my full perception of Trump. I've looked at the extremely negative stuff said about him and found that most of it is exaggerated or untrue. That doesn't mean I'd choose him as a personal friend, or that I like all of his self inflating brags about women or success. But I don't like all of the things I've done in my past either. I have been far from the personally perfect and righteous man that some seem to believe they are on this forum. But I have learned from my mistakes and believe I am a better man today than I was before. Maybe, because of that, I am not that judgmental about someone's past behavior. Who you are now is how I perceive you.

Regarding women, it seems that Trump has changed since he met and married Melania. But even before that, his misadventures with women, if they can be judged as that, are, in my opinion after doing some research, overstated. I suppose he invites that with his own hyper self congratulations.

I do wince when he brags on himself about how well he is doing or how successful he has been. But I like what he has done so far in his present office.

I'm still not concerned about a tyrannical government forming, as we have enough checks and balances; but I thought it ironic that we have a leader exhibiting the same traits that 2A thread raised concerns about.

I stated those concerns myself before he was elected. That's why I said then that what Progressives had done in evolving our political system to a far more powerful central government than the Founders created could be a threat to our liberties. I specifically said in one thread that the power and expectations invested in our modern Presidents that Progressives and those who voted for them created could some day come back to bite them in their butt when someone from the other side like Trump got elected. I have specifically pointed out that the checks and balances put in the Constitution have been pretty much subverted not only by various SCOTUS decisions which "interpreted" more power into the federal government than it was meant to have, but also and especially by the formation of all of its regulatory agencies which have been given plenary legislative, executive, and judicial power--the total elimination of any check or balance, and so a huge elimination of checks on federal power to legislate against the states' or the people's will. The Progressive replacement of constitutional government with its version of an administrative state if finally and fully implemented will be the full elimination of those checks and balances that you think protects us from tyrannical government.

So far, I'm OK with what Trump has done. Especially his selection of SCOTUS Judge and the erasing of several Obama executive orders which had expanded even further the power of the administrative state.

I'd not bet all your money on everything being debunked, Mueller has indited key people and is working his way up the food chain, which is why Trump is now playing defense in attacking the FBI and getting his GOP ass kissers to join in to try to kill the independent investigation.

Well, that's certainly one way of looking at it . . .

I don't hate Trump, but I do despise him

I'm thinking that you do both--definition of hate per Wiki: "To dislike intensely or greatly." Example given "I hate men who take advantage of women." Maybe I'm wrong, but sounds a lot like what you've said about Trump fits this definition. But that's a minor quibble, neither here nor there.

for the way he is governing and degrading the highest office in the world with his juvenile and caustic behavior.

That highest office, as well as the rest of the offices of the federal government have already been greatly degraded from their classically liberal station as the protector of our individual rights and freedoms into the despotic system which attempts at, and often succeeds in, defining or redefining what our rights and freedoms are. Ironically, Trump, who you call a tyrant, has done a bit to retard and repeal some of that degradation. As far as his behavior goes, check out the behavior of all our past Presidents. You'll find a lot of caustic, disreputable behavior going on. Even by many of the "great" ones. In the end, they are judged by their accomplishments, not their behavior.

Don't worry about me, I sleep fine each and every night. I do have issues that our POTUS spends 8 hours watching TV because his ego just can't stand anyone attacking him, only to go off on a Twitter rant the following morning; I sincerely hope sanctions against NK do the job before this thin skinned child needs to make a world changing decision.
OK, just a bit harsh, and a tiny bit hateful, but otherwise sounds good to me.

Last edited by detbuch; 12-28-2017 at 12:07 PM..
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