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Old 02-09-2021, 04:30 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
Eliminating any immigration, legal or otherwise was the former administrations plan.
When you cut legal immigration from 1,183,505 in 2016 to projected number of 601,660 in 2021 you will have unmet demand.
Add to that the reduction in support for Central American economies you will end up with more illegal immigration.
Pay one way or another.
Sorry, but without immigration the US economy will struggle to grow and when you spend 4 years hacking the existing system to death, it will take a while to get it to work again.
Stuart Anderson wrote in Forbes that "Immigrants and their children contributed more than one-half of workforce growth in the past two decades. The economy expands with growth in the labor force and its productivity. Due to the retirement of baby boomers and population aging in general, immigration will play an even larger role in workforce growth going forward than it has in the past. Absent offsetting increases in productivity growth, less immigration will, therefore, translate directly into slower gross domestic product growth.”
If there is a demand for legal immigration, that can easily be satisfied. There are more than enough people with desired qualifications that want to emigrate here legally. If the Biden administration sees a need for more workers than our own unemployed who refuse to or are unqualified to fill employment needs, allow those who seek legal entrance to do so. That is the sane and safe and productive way to do it.

Just letting millions of unvetted people from one part of the impoverished and backward part of the world enter illegally, including children and others who will not be part of the needed workforce for some time, if ever, creates more of a burden, to say the least, than it does do to satisfy our workforce needs.

Better, much better, inner-city schools, as well as promoting a dominant culture that desires and highly values marriage with children, would go a long way to creating home grown productive "workers."

Anyway, we may soon enough be facing the challenge of AI produced methods of manufacturing and delivering most of the things we want, even including "healthcare." It will be enough of a challenge creating work for those displaced by that without adding millions more, poorly educated people into the mix. Not to mention allowing the illegal drugs and goods and criminal and terrorist types to flow in with the crowd.
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