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Old 06-25-2012, 02:46 PM   #14
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Thanks for the continued responses and support. Maybe what I was asking for are the subtle "boot to the hind quarters" responses I'm seeing (appreciating). I have no intention of throwing in the towel yet and do believe I'll be close to whole again someday. I have to, just like I have no doubt he got all the cancer. My frustration is two-fold and I probably should have added I had pretty major surgery in 2011, then another in the same spot this past January and got a severe warning from the surgeon about doing too much too soon and herneating something after he spent 7 and a half hours making me a complete a$$hole again. "When, doc?" "I don't know." UFN-no heavy lifting, no softball, no volleyball. I walk and bike everywhere (like Forrest Gump in his running phase) and bending being good you won't find a weed to be had in my garden (a wary chipmunk but no weeds). I'm just now looking up B vitamins as there is research indicating it may help with the nerve thing. We'll see. Thanks again.
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