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Old 06-14-2009, 09:40 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
I think most information these days be it from the right or left is tainted to some degree.

The author makes some good points about Obama's accuracy in some recent speeches, but his core argument, that liberals don't care about lying because all truth is relative, is pretty silly.

Most of his accusations can be accounted for by the fact that Obama is a politician in a leadership position.

I haven't been able to find where Hanson has said "that liberals don't care about lying because all truth is relative". He said that OBAMA is a postmodernist. HE believes that all truth is relative . . ." He was speaking throughout the piece about OBAMA'S lies, not liberals, and the "all truth is relative" is one example of why.

So, then, since being "a politician in a leadership position" is the major or a major lightning rod for accusations, accusations against a politician in a leadership position must be dismissed, unexamined, have no merit, because they are accusations against a politician in a leadership position. Sounds like an extremely circular argument.
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