Thread: TV 1ST??
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Old 02-18-2018, 09:40 AM   #1
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TV 1ST??

seen this on Fox anchors and on CNN a contributer

But have never seen this on TV during a news broadcast

They were broadcasting with their ashes clearly visible ?

I am A non practicing Catholic so ashes aren't new

But the I start thinking is this a personal choice to go on air with them or the network .to once again to appeal to its base?
So I do a Google search on ashes by (ashes on msnbc tv host)

I find only Fox pops up in the search a oped.. here is 1

So were the ashes were to appeal to the Base or display ones faith

I was unable to see if past ash Wednesday brodcast included Hosts with ashes ... So was it planned display to appeal to its Base viewers as was the story linked above or was it a choice by the host to show here faith? ( I saw no men with ashes)

For me it was a PR stunt on both networks I saw it on...
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