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Old 08-25-2016, 07:45 AM   #29
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Nebe View Post
Dig deeper and you will learn that that house was bought with funds from a house that his wife inherited in Maine.
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No one is accusing Sanders of stealing the money they used to buy that house. The point is, he has a $600,000 second house, which means that he has no problem keeping enough of what he thinks is his, to pamper himself. Yet he doesn't think others have the same right. Again, it's ALWAYS do as I say, not as I do. He spent most of his campaign telling us that income inequality is evil, yet he has no issue with lavishing himself with the spoils of income inequality.

If it's OK for him to acquire enough wealth to have a $600,000 vacation home, then he has no right to say it's wrong that an investment banker at Goldman Sachs tries to do the same exact thing.
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