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Old 01-01-2019, 12:02 PM   #73
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
Despite those gradual improvements, the report acknowledges that there is "no specific cause that can be directly attributed to the decrease in overstay rates" in 2017. Guess you missed that

No I didn't miss that. I also did not miss that the administration addressed the problem and that the overstay rates decreased. "Specific" causes often cannot be verified. If you cannot verify a specific cause then you cannot specifically say that desired results are not caused by an implemented policy. If you don't know why the good thing happened, you cannot categorically say that it was not the result of the policy.

Of course, if you want to slant in the direction that the policy was not the cause, you can weasel word your denial by saying that you cannot "attribute" the connection, rather than definitively saying that the policy was absolutely not the cause.

I responded to your accusation or implication that Trump was focusing "far more" on the wall and why was that so. The administration addressed the overstay problem, and the problem decreased. Spin it however you want, but the fact remains.

and executive orders once deemed bad are not a replacement for legislation .. which some how could not be passed by his own party ...
His party did pass wall funding in the House. The Senate required the other party's help--which was not given.

And executive orders are bad or wrong only when they order something that does not fall within the purview of Article 2 of the Constitution. That is still the case, regardless of who trespasses that restraint, nor of which party allows it to stand. Unfortunately, party power concerns and judicial corruption and inertia have been letting the abuse stand.

That's one of the reasons that the Constitution is barely hanging on, as they say, by a thread--or a few threads.
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