Thread: A promise?
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Old 01-05-2013, 06:48 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
If there was bi-partisan confidence the Bush tax cuts would have worked the Byrd rule wouldn't have been a factor. The simple fact is the Republicans didn't have enough votes and had to compromise on a bill that they could pass with a simple majority...because many people don't believe in magic tax cut fairy dust.

As for the wars and credit bubble...that's the variability that proves tax cuts alone don't work.

Right, the Dems were vehemently opposed to the tax cuts and the Repubs had to do what they could to get them passed. And so the magic tax cut fairy dust is now also believed in by the Dems.

That tax cuts alone don't work, does not mean they don't help. Which is why, I guess, the Dems want to continue the fairy dust. Now, what everybody seems to agree on, seems being the operative word, is that spending cuts would be another policy that would add to tax cuts so that they "alone" won't have to do all the work. Interesting to see if that actually transpires, and if so, if there will be meaningful cuts, or just smoke and mirror, magic spending cut fairy dust.
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