Thread: Nazi Tourettes
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Old 08-28-2010, 09:45 AM   #13
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Glen Beck should back off from holding his rally at this place and time. He has a constitutional right to do what he is doing, but he is being insensitive to black people. He must understand the symbolic objections and pick another place and time.

And he must also back off from using the Nazi references so often. True, again, that he has the constitutional right to do so, but an occasional Nazi comparison would suffice. It's the numbers that offend. 200 or 300 or the infinite amount of times, that's the problem. It's just so many that one would find it impossible to even begin to actually analyze whether there is any validity in his analogies. And it certainly is offensive to those who may even be using Nazi methods, wittingly or unwittingly, for good ends. Surely, being so successful in turning Weimar Germany into the Nazi state, the methods must have had some things to recommend them. Like Alinsky's Rules for Radicals. Its the method, not necessarily the end . . . right? The NEA, and everybody else can benefit by using radical methods. Why not Nazi methods? But, of course, Beck can't help it. He has a tourettes. There is no cure for that. Gee . . . I wonder if such labeling is offensive to those who actually suffer from the disease?
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