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Old 03-29-2020, 04:19 PM   #25
Pete F.
Join Date: Jun 2003
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I actually checked three times to make sure this wasn’t one of those parody Trump accounts before posting this. It’s hard to believe that given all that is going on ratings are still job #1 for him. Only the favorable parts are included by Trump* The red is what was skipped in those paragraphs, the blue is where they skipped the body of the article.

Donald J. Trump
“President Trump is a ratings hit,and some journalists and public health experts say that could be a dangerous thing. Since reviving the daily White House briefing— a practice abandoned last year by an administration that bristles at outside scrutiny — Mr. Trump and his coronavirus updates have attracted an average audience of 8.5 million on cable news, roughly the viewership of the season finale of ‘The Bachelor.’ And the Numbers are continuing to rise..., driven by intense concern about the virus and the housebound status of millions of Americans who are practicing social distancing.
...On Monday, nearly 12.2 million people watched Mr. Trump’s briefing on CNN, Fox News and MSNBC, according to Nielsen — ‘Monday Night Football’ numbers. Millions more are watching on ABC, CBS, NBC and online streaming sites(Because of the way Nielsen ratings are measured, reliable numbers are available only for cable news.), and the audience is expanding And the audience is expanding even as Mr. Trump has repeatedly delivered information that doctors and public health officials have called ill informed, misleading or downright wrong.. There are ten paragraphs skipped between the prior and this. On Monday, Fox News...
...alone attracted 6.2 million viewers for the president’s briefing — an astounding number for a 6 p.m. cable broadcast, more akin to the viewership for a popular prime-time sitcom...This past weekend, Fox News recorded its highest weekend viewership since its 2003 coverage of the gulf war.
...Americans’ trust in the news media is also split along partisan lines.The CBS News poll said 13 percent of Republicans trusted the news media for information about the virus.” versus 72 percent of Democrats.Michael M. Grynbaum @NYTimes

Here's his recent victim tweet by the Stable Genius on fake reporting, sounds like he is saying he shouldn't be trusted.
Donald J. Trump
Such Fake reporting by the @nytimes, @washingtonpost, @CNN & others. They use a small portion of a sentence out of a full paragraph in order to demean. They really are corrupt and disgusting. No wonder the media is, according to polls, record setting low & untrusted.

Frasier: Niles, I’ve just had the most marvelous idea for a website! People will post their opinions, cheeky bon mots, and insights, and others will reply in kind!

Niles: You have met “people”, haven’t you?

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