Thread: G20 Summit
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Old 07-14-2017, 04:43 PM   #68
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Got Stripers View Post
Times change boys, what used to be ok and considered totally ok, is completely inappropriate today; especially for the leader of the free world. It shows his ignorance and of course his true colors, he is a womanizer. And please don't compare him to JFK or anyone else, times chance and he should know better.

My better half used to be head HR for Raytheon, town of Plymouth and she almost fell off her seat when she heard that comment.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device
I missed the announcement that it was OK to cheat on your wife with a child, or to drunkenly drive a young girl off a bridge, leave her, and then use the family money to dodge responsibility. That was OK when those things took place?

Trump is very crass, very boorish, and had no problem with objectifying women.

"he is a womanizer. And please don't compare him to JFK or anyone else, times chance "

Have times changed that much since Bill Clinton and John Edwards? You don't have to go back all that far.

Trump has very, very poor ethics. I have no problem, none, for calling him out on that...unless you give others a pass for ding worse, because they have a (d) after their name.
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