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Old 09-18-2016, 05:09 PM   #72
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
Quite the contrary, I've repeatedly said he's very erratic. I do think his offensive remarks are a combination of calculation and just revealing who he really is.

You said "Trump either outright lies or just makes stuff up pretty much every time he opens his mouth. He does it as strategy to distract, confuse and toy with the media." Sounds pretty calculating to me--and every time he opens his mouth. Sounds like he is always calculating, not very erratic.

And lie about his numerous failures and scandals. Must have been nice to start a career with millions of dollars and the system in your father's pocket. When that cashflow dried up there's always Wall Street to fleece, and the taxpayers. Good thing he's possibly got Russian oligarchs propping his business up. One thing Trump is good at is profiting off of other's losses.

The way you put it, it sounds like he really knows how to work the system. Sounds pretty savvy. Sounds pretty effective. He knows how to get things done in a milieu of corruption such as existed in New York and New Jersey(and exists now in most government and big union entities). You had to know the right people who could help you work with and around corrupt unions, corrupt politicians and corrupt State, City, and Federal officials, as well as dangerous Mafia bosses. I'm sure Trump learned a lot of things about big money being in bed with government, and with shady people who had to be dealt with. He knew he had to cozy up to Democrats, attend a wedding or two, make some big donations. You know, scratch my back and I'll scratch yours.

Sounds like he knows how to make deals with powerful people and groups. Perhaps he's learned enough to handle shysters like Putin and Iranian bureaucrats without giving away the store.

As for profiting off of other's losses, that's what big money people do. Your boy Warren Buffet is good at that. If you are in the stock market in any way, you do it too. And that's what businesses do when they compete with others.

I think we're a long way from that.
I hope your right, except that "a long way from" still implies that it will happen. You progressives are very persistent.

But if that is so (that we have not already arrived at the point where the President can, without the approval of Congress, do whatever he wants), then why are you guys so afraid of Trump? Perhaps, you should all be more afraid of our corrupted, authoritarian government. And maybe Trump can be the guy who blows it up.

Last edited by detbuch; 09-18-2016 at 05:35 PM..
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