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Old 08-24-2011, 11:49 AM   #4
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by JohnnyD View Post
I support the one-child policy as well. China is dealing with massive, massive overpopulation. While there are definitely significant downfalls to the policy, without it, China would be on track for the overpopulated, diseased, starving state that most of Africa is in.

But, I'm someone that wishes there was a way to prevent people from having children without them taking a test first and proving that they can afford the child.

To your last sentence, the downfall of Catholicism will be that people are expected to unquestionably accept and practice the Catholic interpretation of the Bible's teachings, yet those of the Catholic faith selectively persecute "sinners".
Johnny -

"I support the one-child policy as well. "

If you suport the government's righ to haul a woman off, give her an abortion, and tie her tubes, that's your right.

"the downfall of Catholicism will be that people are expected to unquestionably accept and practice the Catholic interpretation of the Bible's teachings'

I'm a devout Catholic. In my opinion, the idea that Catholics should be allowed to believe whatever they want, THAT is a bigger threat to Catholicism. If you want to sleep around and say abortion is swell, there are plenty of religions that will have you...and most of those religions are rapidly dwindling in size.

Catholicism includes certain "binding" beliefs, which Catholics are not allowed to violate (like believeing in God, believeing Jesus is the son of God, being opposed to abortion). Speaking as a lifelong devout Catholic...I'd rather have a small number of genuine Catholics, than a larger number of phonies.
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