Thread: Nazi Tourettes
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Old 08-28-2010, 10:54 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by Joe View Post
It is highly offensive to those who have tourettes. They've been blurting out their displeasure all along - its just that what they've said has been completely non-sensible so nobody has noticed.
It's true that one of the manifestations of tourettes is sometimes "blurting out" incoherent nonsense. On the other hand, there are several famous people that have or have had tourettes syndrome. Amazingly, several professional athletes battled against their tics to become stars of their game. As far as a tourettes sufferer being able to communicate effectively, one can look to such as Mozart and Dr. Samuel Johnson. They certainly have been heard and listened to. Though tourettes was not known of in their day, studies of their biographies have surmised they had tourettes.

I know that you were being humorous, and the Beck tourettes thing is funny, but, knowing someone close who has been through the symptons, I wouldn't go too far with the jokes. Beck is a big boy and can take it. Then, again, maybe tourettes sufferers can appreciate the humor.
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