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Old 03-09-2015, 02:33 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
And I thought I had seen it all...
Well . . . guess you didn't . . .

So . . . Spence . . . what do you think Iran wants? After all, it has never wanted to build nuclear weapons. And doesn't now. It only wants peaceful use of nuclear power. Do you think, maybe, Iran is angling for some U.S. investment. A sort of Solyndra deal . . . say, maybe, half a bill to float them through the finish of their strictly peaceful nuclear program?

And why do we care? What's it to us if they get the bomb? After all, they are a civilized country, whose people are like us. And, even though it's an Islamic State, it is not that nasty radical Al Qaida or ISIS brand, but the more moderate, majority Islam that we shouldn't be discriminating against and unjustly singling out like some reprobate that needs electric tethers to monitor their every move. And Netanyahu, the real problem (along with his running dog Republican Congress), claiming impending doom is typical right wing BS. The Republicans and Netanyahu should disappear. They just keep effing up the negotiations. Like Bush did ten years ago. We shouldn't even have to be doing this stuff now. And anyway, if we can trust the Iranians later to abide by some negotiated agreement, shouldn't we trust their word now that they are not, nor are they interested in, manufacturing nuclear weapons.

Wouldn't it be a gesture of good will and trust to quit dogging them about there intentions, and let them do what they, as a sovereign nation, have a right to do.

Maybe, that is what we're offering them, but ten years down the road. For now, we can pretend to have reached an agreement in order to satisfy those fear mongering right wingers that we have deterred nuclear holocaust . But we know, wink and nod, that the right-winger "fear" is bigoted ignorance, so just hang on a few more years, and by then you will have your peaceful nuclear program, and will be allowed to run it as you wish.

Last edited by detbuch; 03-09-2015 at 02:46 PM..
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