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Old 10-14-2016, 08:30 AM   #25
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
its very simple Bill isn't running for POTUS Trump open the can or worms when he brought bill into the fray

Do we know for sure who is lying ..

Hillary didn't now that either what she made her statements ,but she was attacked as if she did .. it was only after years did we find out the truth it was presented as shaming the victims

Trump has called them "horrible liars" and the media was colluding with rival Hillary Clinton.. these women have claimed these events in the open Names and Faces

he said this about Natasha Stoynoff Take a look. You take a look. Look at her, look at her words, you tell me what you think. I don't think so, I don't think so."

and now the chickens have come home to roost
"its very simple Bill isn't running for POTUS"

I am aware of that. But the point, and it is a valid point, is this...if Democrats refuse to hold Bill Clinton accountable for what he did, it makes them glaring hypocrites to criticize Trump. Right or wrong? If Bill is viewed by Democrats as being a good President despite what he did (and Democrats overwhelmingly still approve of him), why does being crude to women make Trump unfit? If it's not a disqualifier for Bill, why is it an issue for Trump?

Can you do me a favor, and for once, just answer that question?

"Hillary didn't now that (that Bill was lying) either..."

Let's examine that. Hilary said that Bill was innocent, and that the vast right wing conspiracy was framing him. In other words, Hilary thought that Bill hadn't cheated on her (despite numerous claims in the past), but rather, the GOP was framing him.

WDMSO, she has never offered a speck of evidence to support that claim (because the media doesn't ask Democrats to substantiate such things).

Please tell me WZDMSO, what do you think of her claim that the GOP was framing Bill? She said that on national television. Do you think that was a rational thing to believe? What does that say about her judgment?
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