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Old 09-05-2013, 07:06 AM   #62
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
Building a coalition implies you're going to take action. Unless you plan to invade preemptive a public facing coalition does nothing.

The tough talk is because you assume they're not going to think they can get away with it.

Not attacking right away and working to build consensus takes a lot more resolve than simply pushing the button.

"Building a coalition implies you're going to take action. Unless you plan to invade preemptive a public facing coalition does nothing."

Absolutely, totally, one hundred percent bullsh*t.

Consider NATO, which was a coalition formed to keep the Soviet Union from getting any ideas about invading member nations. The existence of NATO did not involve any pre-emptive military action against anyone, it was purely preventative. And it worked.

A coalition can be a very effective deterrent. Unfortunately, it requires that the leaders of the nations in the coalition, are taken seriously by their adversaries, and that's clearly not the case with our Dear Leader Obama.
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