Thread: assault rifles
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Old 07-28-2012, 05:50 PM   #86
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
I see, so an armed Jewish ghetto would have beaten back the Nazi opposition? That doesn't seem very plausible, it would have just meant a few more dead Nazis.

There were 600,000 Jews in Germany before the Nazi crackdown and eventual holocaust. Of that, I assume, half would be able to use an assault weapon. The key is for them not only to be armed, but to know what was about to happen to them if they did not leave or forcefully resist. Waiting too late is the mistake we make when we trust but don't verify. The American Founders did not wait too long. They realized early on what was going on and to what it could eventually lead. Furthermore, what if all the Jews in Europe, millions of them, knew what was going to happen to them, and if they were fully armed? And what if all the non-Jews, especially in Eastern Europe knew what was coming and were fully armed? Even if the Nazis could have overcome them, not only would their losses have been huge, the task of the allies would have been greatly easier, and the German war machine would have been defeated fairly quickly. And half of Europe would have been spared the Communist domination that followed the war. But not only were the people not armed, everybody waited too long. The Germans easily took control of unarmed civilians and weak armies in Poland, parts of Czekoslovakia, Austria with the help of Austrians, and made alliances with Italy and Russia and most of the remaining Eastern European countries who were too weak too resist and saw no help from the West forthcoming.

We are very trusting of our government in America. We think it is ridiculous to arm ourselves beyond protection from criminals or for hunting or sport. We didn't start that way, and were originally fearful of a powerful central government. You believe that it is ridiculous to arm ouselves with more powerful weapons, since you obviously feel that we will never need them. It would be very good if you are right. Because we are far along the road, in many respects even other than arms and the second amendment, to waiting too long. The second amendment was given as a means to resistance in the last resort. We can still turn things around to a more constitutional form of government that centers on individual rights and responsibilities. The vote is still a powerful weapon. But ignorance and blind trust can nullify that weapon.
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