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Old 10-01-2015, 09:21 PM   #6
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Duke41 View Post

If one of the kids was yours. What smart ass remarks you come up with then.
Better yet other than doing nothing, what would be a solution?
In Chicago and DC, very few people own guns, yet gun violence (measured per citizen) is out of sight. In the Dakotas, almost everyone owns a gun, and there is almost no gun violence.

Conclusion: some gun legislation might help. But we also need to figure out how to get people in DC and Chicago to behave more like the people in the Dakotas, who don't hurt one another despite owning guns. We need to make it easier to commit the mentally ill. And we need to have a conversation about the violence our kids get bombarded with on TV and in the movies. But the liberals are beholden to Hollywood just like the Republicans are beholden to the NRA. Plenty of blame here.

For Obama to immediately go on a tirade about guns without discussing the other factors, is repugnant.
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