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Old 06-25-2015, 11:38 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by The Dad Fisherman View Post
Climate change has always been around.....natural progression of the planet. Pretty sure it's warmer now than during the Ice Age.

Problem is you got one side claiming it doesn't all.....ever. And another side saying it's our fault and you need to give us money to fix it......or you hate your kids and the planet.
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pretty sure no one in their right mind has ever said the climate doesn't change or that climate change doesn't exist(cept' maybe Jon Stewart)...that would be dumb.....which is why they chose "climate change" as the new label for their scheme when global warming failed to go the predicted path to doom and provide traction for the agenda

straw man
"The debate is over about whether or not climate change is real."

the argument is whether or to what degree human activity affects the change(s) in climate and whether granting power and gadzillions of dollars to the climate soothsayers will result in a "saved" planet another layer of bloated bureaucracy that we must fund forever more...what is clear is that one side has consistently fanned fears, fudged data, falsified claims, made outrageous claims that have not materialized and then systematically attacked those that expressed skepticism

being skeptical of the sophist class(those that continually lie to us in such a way that it may be believable and caution us not to question) makes you a heretic, gets you ridiculed....or better stated in America 2015 lingo...designates you a "hater"...and we don't tolerate that

Reality Control
Reality Control 1: "Doublethink" is the major way the Party controls its members. Through "doublethink," people consciously accept anything the Party tells them, even if it contradicts something they already know. Furthermore, they consciously suppress any thought or information that goes against anything the Party says. To complete the cycle, they must forget that they have even used doublethink. Failure to control their thoughts using doublethink, would result in thoughtcrime.

Reality Control 2: A lot of Winston's job in the Records Department deals with reality control. He changes reports of the past so that every record of a past event the Party wants to suppress completely disappears. In many cases, the records he changes were fictitious in the first place. He can also, as in the case of Comrade Ogilvy, create an entirely new past and imagine events which then become historical "fact." Essentially, the Party creates a fake past according to what it wants to be true; the real past is completely forgotten and unrecorded.

Reality Control 3: While Winston is in the cafeteria, the telescreen makes an announcement stating that production output is higher than ever, and that people have been engaging in spontaneous demonstrations all over the state to show their gratitude to Big Brother. Many demonstrations were staged to thank Big Brother for raising the chocolate ration to twenty grams a week. Winston remembers that only the day before, the telescreen announced that the ration was being reduced to twenty grams from thirty. Everyone else in the cafeteria swallows this information, like Parsons, with blank stupidity, or like Symes, in a complex way involving doublethink. Winston wonders if he is the only person in the world that actually has a memory.

Reality Control 4: Winston is frustrated by the impossibility of knowing what is and what is not a lie. For all he knows, it might be true that the average human being is better off under the Party than before the Revolution. His only evidence is that he instinctively feels that his standard of living is unbearable and that at some other time in history, things must have been better.

The reality of life under the Party (poor, dirty, and hungry) is completely different to the image of life according to their propaganda (efficient, futuristic, and mechanical). Even so, everyone appears to swallow the propaganda and believe they are living the great life they see in posters and on films.

Reality Control 5: Winston is shaken by indisputable evidence that The Party has lied. He has always suspected that the confessions of the "traitors" that are purged are not true, but now he has proof. Unfortunately, he does not know what to do with it. There is no way to publish it or show it to the world. His discovery does him no good. Winston is upset because he does not understand why the past is faked in this way. It is obvious that the Party wants to appear consistent, but in the long run, what is their motive?

Reality Control 6: Winston is disturbed by the fact that Julia does not seem to care about the Party's reality control. To her, it doesn't really matter that they've lied or that Winston could have proved it. None of this makes any difference in her day-to-day life. Winston tries to explain that the past is being destroyed, but she does not see value in the past. He responds:

"History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right."

Last edited by scottw; 06-25-2015 at 11:46 PM..
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