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Old 01-25-2017, 09:28 AM   #3
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
Trump said: "We think we can cut regulations by 75 percent. Maybe more, but by 75 percent."

(I agree there are many regulations that could be scrubbed as redundant )

When this doesn't happen with many other promises will He get the same condemnation as the below

"If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.( I kept Mine for the record )

Iraqi weapons of mass destruction (didn't have any)

"Read my lips: no new taxes." ( did what He thought was right for the country)

or is this another bait and switch saying 75% and get 10% reduction and call it a victory ?
Funny...yesterday, you said "we are in the now" when I brought up Obama. But here you are criticizing Trump for failures you predict will happen in the future.

Yes, he should be held accountable for failing to keep campaign promises.

How do you calculate what % or regulations were cut? Just by the number of regulations you got rid of? Or how much less work companies need to do, to comply with regulations? A very tough thing to measure with any precision.

He needs to tone it down. He claimed in one speech that the violence in Chicago "was about to come to an end". He can't wave his hand and make the murder rate drop to zero. he shouldn't claim he can.

He's probably going to move things, significantly, in what he feels is the right direction. Then we'll see the results and judge.
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