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Old 02-07-2017, 07:40 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by FishermanTim View Post
This is all well and good, but how does it relate to the original topic of Hollywood stars interjecting their will as a call to arms????
Someone used your thread as an occasion to rag on Trump, So some of us responded to him. Sorry.

As for Hollywood stars, when they use their fame to persuade us politically, and they speak with tiresome Party talking points, it disappoints me. To me, it makes them appear like political puppets, mouthing scripts, just as they do when they make movies. They lose their luster of being superior, above average, "stars," and they look like bit players. Hearing Meryl Streep, this icon of class and great talent just mouthing political nonsense takes the bloom off the rose for me. She just becomes another hack. So when I see her in a movie role, I no-longer maintain that willing suspension of disbelief required to make the fiction "real"--the mask loses its power to emotionally move me and she just becomes an actor memorizing lines. I lose interest in any move she is in.

Silverman, little as I know about her, is another level of celebrity activism. She's that radical, vulgar, pseudo-revolutionary type who is believable when she rants. I have no trouble believing that she is as disgusting as she appears.

But they all have the right to speak. And more power to them if they actually believe what they say. And even more so if they have an intelligent point of view, personally thought out and originally or uniquely delivered.
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