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Old 03-30-2009, 07:21 AM   #6
Cool Beans
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Originally Posted by buckman View Post
The failing economy is not the result of GM's poor performance. It's the other way around. I would request Frank, Dodd, Reed to step down ASAP.!!!! Let's get consistant here.
Considering all the cafe standards and restrictions placed on their most popular models, its a wonder they can any money at all. For years, the government has been getting involved in the auto business, making it more expensive to make their #1 sellers. They have been forced to spend billions on hybrid technology, even though the market isn't there for them yet. (hybrid batteries use the nickel mined in this plant,1.274414&t=h the big brown spot on the map)

Look at the top 10 vehicles sold last year, they sold almost twice as many Silverado's than any of their cars. Leave them alone, let capitalism work, and let them build what Americans want. The government should not regulate a business like this forcing them to make things people aren't buying, as it will create a huge opportunity for foreign auto makers to create what people will buy, cheaper cars that still get decent mileage. I hear China is working on a few, to be sold in Walmart. (semi joke).

The Top 10 Best-Selling Cars of 2008

* Ford F-Series: 515,513
* Chevy Silverado: 465,065
* Toyota Camry: 436,617
* Honda Accord: 372,789
* Toyota Corolla: 351,007
* Honda Civic: 339,289
* Nissan Altima: 269,668
* Chevy Impala: 265,840
* Dodge Ram: 245,840
* Honda CR-V: 197,279

Another big problem is the unions, nobody can afford to continue paying these increasing pension plans and benefits packages they are stuck with. Increase hourly wages, get rid of the unions and let them build cars that sell! The markets will decide the rest.
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