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Old 06-27-2018, 04:34 PM   #73
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
Perhaps some would recognize themselves in this
Take it with a grain of salt, please

An Analysis of Trump Supporters Has Identified 5 Key Traits
A new report sheds light on the psychological basis for Trump's support.

Your article is mostly academic cultural Marxist and Progressive pap. An example being Pettigrew's notion of "Intergroup Contact." You don't need studies and experiments to understand that contact will influence perception, and that it can lead to acceptance over prejudice. But making it a postulate requires blinders. Pettigrew's belief that intergroup contact between blacks and whites made available in South Africa due to the end of Apartheid supported his theory when he prematurely said in 2006:

"They’ve only been at it 12 years, and the jury is still out, but the progress I saw was amazing. Contact between the races was very polite and a bit formal, as people don’t quite know how to act with each other. But polite beats anything else but warm.”

Actually, now, contact is hot. Prejudice is stronger and deadlier than it was under Apartheid. But it is now Black prejudice against whites, with the goal of removing any whites from South Africa, except those with necessary expertise--even by genocide if necessary.

You could negatively apply any of his five "psychological phenomena" to any election of American Presidents, or of leaders anywhere in the world.

His "Authoritarian Personality Syndrome"--"Authoritarianism refers to the advocacy or enforcement of strict obedience to authority at the expense of personal freedom, and is commonly associated with a lack of concern for the opinions or needs of others" was especially amusing to me. That is exactly the "Syndrome" that leads to Socialist type of governments--Progressive Syndrome being one of those types. Attributing Pettigrew's Authoritarian Syndrome to most of Trump's voters is a hoot. I know lots of Trump voters, including myself, and those on this forum, who didn't vote for trump because we are submissive to authority. Quite the contrary, we were tired of being authoritatively told how we must live our lives, and tired of authoritarian Progressive types using fear tactics (Trump in this instance being made to look like a devious maniac who would destroy the country) to try to persuade us to vote for them, all the while being accused of racism and other selectively defined negatives.

Academic types seem incapable of accepting what voters said was their reason for voting for Trump. Only deep, dark, psychological mysterious motives postulated by psycho-babble could be persuasive enough to sound plausible to them. As exemplified by this paragraph from your article:

"Although analyses and studies by psychologists and neuroscientists have provided many thought-provoking explanations for his enduring support, the accounts of different experts often vary greatly, sometimes overlapping and other times conflicting. However insightful these critiques may be, it is apparent that more research and examination is needed to hone in on the exact psychological and social factors underlying this peculiar human behavior."

Pass the salt, please.
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