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Old 09-23-2013, 07:33 PM   #47
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
The irony is that I believe we spend about twice what other industrialized nations spend on health care...but we can't afford it.

Who are referring to when you say "we"? Can you afford what you pay for health care? Are you going into unsustainable debt because of it? "We" can bitch about the constantly rising costs, but we pay them. If we didn't the health care industry could not exist. And who are the "we" of "other industrialized nations"? Are they individual citizens or are they governments? And are those governments spending their nations into debt?

And is the health care you get worse than what those in "other industrialized nations" get? Are "we" who pay through third party insurance or out of pocket getting worse healthcare than those in "other industrialized" nations. And if the health care that "we" who pay for it is worse, how will Obamacare make it better for us who pay?
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