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Old 05-03-2019, 12:15 PM   #3
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Got Stripers View Post
The problem just like in 2016, Trump can’t ever talk about the economy, he needs conflict to strut his stuff. I’m not going to argue the economy is really good, but he inherited a strong upward trending one. The tax cut keep it going and while that gave companies reason to hire, the wages aren’t where they need to be for anyone in the middle or lower. That is especially true if you have a large family, with a lot of mouths to feed and worse yet if they have aspirations for college. If Trump were not such a flaming ahole and just a miserable human being, he would be hard to beat. His undoing will be the new young voters and especially women; where the disapproval rating is 62%.

If anything happens to the economy stick a fork in him he will be done. Still if the youth and women and independents go democratic I can’t see him winning another term. He really needs that second term too, because the statute of limitations then keeps him out of prison if other investigations turn up serious crimes. Show me the taxes too before he runs.
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"he inherited a strong upward trending one."

and he did things that hadn't been done by the previous administration (eliminated lots of regulations, cut taxes for people and business), and those appear to be working. Nobel Prize winning economist Paul Krugman said that Trumps election would ruin the US economy and that we'd never recover. And he still gets paid to go on TV, people still listen to him.

"the wages aren’t where they need to be for anyone in the middle or lower"

No they are not. Low unemployment will help that, as it lowers the supply of labor, and the growing economy increases the demand for labor. When the supply of something goes down, and t the same time the demand for that something goes up, the cost of that something (wages in this case) will increase. Wages are up 3.2% in the last year. Not nearly enough.

"If Trump were not such a flaming ahole and just a miserable human being, he would be hard to beat."

On that, I agree.

" Still if the youth and women and independents go democratic "

Which they did in 2016.

"I can’t see him winning another term"

if the democrats nominate an unlikeable freak like Warren or Booker or Buttigeig or Bernie, he has a great chance.
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