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Old 07-27-2018, 03:05 PM   #15
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by zimmy View Post
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I am not sure why you think you know what I want. I am hardly liberal. I am moderate. I loved Reagan as a kid. I was terrified when Bush 1 lost reelection. Clinton was scum, but his policies were moderate and generally on point and I grew to be ok with all the non scum bag stuff. Bush 2 was an idiot and took us to war over oil against his father's advice and he had morons in Rumsfeld and Cheney who pushed his buttons and the reasons for war during lead up to it changed every time they turned out to be bogus. Yes I think Trump's policies are stupid. He lies to people in coal country about the cause of their job losses, he mortgaged the future and hardly changed the path of the middle class when the economy was already strong. History shows such policy leads to short term burst in the economy, but then fizzles and stalls with inflation. Add in his tariffs and unless you are a partisan fool or a person trying to buy votes can see they are totally policies and a few months of numbers aren't enough to measure the net effects. If the country ends up worse off as a result, that is bad. If Hillary elected similar policies, I would be saying I think it is stupid and regardless too soon to think my camper was covered, especially in a state like CT and especially before a full year under the tax policies.
"I am not sure why you think you know what I want"

For starters, when you learned that the GDP growth was the second highest in 15 years, your reaction was to launch a campaign of information on why that's not really a good thing. I read your posts. They aren't ambiguous.

"I am hardly liberal"

you say so...

"Clinton was scum, but his policies were moderate and generally on point "

Agreed. Especially his economic policy, which consisted of signing the budgets that Newt Gingrich crafted., and then getting all the credit for the amazing results.

"Bush 2 was an idiot and took us to war over oil "

Not close to true, it's a cherished chant of the left. Sorry, not that you are a liberal.

Tell the AIDS victims in Africa who are alive thanks to Bush's AIDS plan, over one million human beings, that he was an idiot. Educated at Yale and Harvard, which are the credentials people use to convince me how smart Obama was. Meh.

"hardly changed the path of the middle class "

He has done more for the middle class than his predecessor. Tax cuts and lower unemployment, more job security...

"History shows such policy leads to short term burst in the economy, but then fizzles and stalls with inflation"

You still aren't specifying which "policies" are historically shown to cause more pain than they cure. You seem like someone who wants to say "his policies are bad" again and again, until we all accept that it's true. You can't just say "his policies will cause short term gain and long term pain". How about some support for that statement? You got anything?

"If Hillary elected similar policies, I would be saying I think it is stupid "

You say so.

That post was a lot of fizz, short on gin.
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