Thread: Chilling
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Old 02-01-2017, 11:36 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by RIROCKHOUND View Post
Right.... We had 8 years of fake news and Internet theories on the last president, I guess old habits die hard.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device
Exactly . . . except we've had fake news ever since news was invented, not just eight years. But you are right. Old habits die hard. Except it is more, unfortunately, than just habit. Some is intentional. Some is ignorance. Much is stupidity.

You're certainly correct, in a Martian viewing earthlings sense, in seeing a never ending pattern of one side spewing fake news every eight years, then the other side spewing fake news the following 8 years (give or take intermittent time periods), so now it's the Democrats turn to do it. It is, however, that sort of emotional tit-for-tat, you did it so I'll do it, insincerity that helps to keep us divided. It's the Hatfield's vs. the McCoy's syndrome which blinds us to the real problem so prevents us from solving it. That's usually the problem with all human conflicts.

It usually takes an intermediary, a judge of some sort, to resolve the conflict to the satisfaction of all sides (or else it takes a war in which all sides but one is eliminated). That judge must convince all sides to agree with, abide with, a common principle. If there is no principle on which agreement can be reached, then there is war.

In my opinion, we are clinging to the tattered edge of the principle that united us not too long ago. If that principle cannot be restored to its ruling power, then another one must be found, soon. Or the petty skirmishes that have been inflicting us and escalating to the present displays of hysteria may morph into that dreaded three letter word.
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