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Old 04-19-2016, 04:45 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
Yes, after telling his uncle about his event with the UN Secretary General he mentioned he'd call back after they landed.

But he said it in Arabic.

Guy should be in GITMO if you ask me.
If he has a case, he should sue. Big bucks available. Could even get Obama's AG involved. Government could put a billion dollar, or so, fine against another greedy big business on top of millions for the Muslim. A good chance to show us who the real terrorists are--those greedy, blood-s#^&#^&#^&#^&#^&g, money grubbing, racist, anti-American values, capitalist Wall Street pigs.

Power to the People!!

Oh wait . . . you guys are, like, not blaming the airline. Your saying it's the rest of us haters and bigots for stirring up fear. Creating a climate of hate. It is we the American bigots who are the real terrorists. It is us who should be in Gitmo.

Power to the RIGHT people . . . to the Muslims, to the immigrants, to the oppressed minorities. Down with immigration laws. This country belongs to them as much as to anybody else. Down with the outdated Constitution written by old white men who had slaves.

It's time for us privileged white folks to quit making the rest of the world afraid of us. The rest of the world awaits our tired, our poor, our huddled masses yearning to breathe the freedom of their cultures and their countries.

Oh . . . wait . . . we're not really welcomed into their cultures and countries unless we spend money there, then leave. It's them who are coming here . . . permanently, and for most, on our dime. Damn! We're just not as tolerant and understanding as they are.

Yeah, the poor Muslim guy should sue for the great damages done to his dignity.
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