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Old 02-06-2015, 11:17 AM   #1
Jim in CT
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I nominate the King Of Jordan to replace Obama fo rthe next 2 years

Just kidding, but you have to admire the expediemt dolling out of retribution.

Back in the Civil War, the state of Mass enacted the fabled 54th, the first black regiment to be used in combat. The confederates said that any black soldier captured, would be executed, rather than going to a POW camp.

Fortunately for those brave black soldiers, Lincoln was President, not Obama. Lincoln immediately told the Confederates that for every Union black soldier illegally executed, he would order th eexecution of one captured Confederate soldier in a Union POW camp. That decisive stance prevented large-scale executions.

Not perfectly applicable to today, as the South was more reasonable than Islamic extremists. But the point is, if we really want to win this thing, it's not going to be a clean, tasteful exercise.

Obama was urged not to pull out of Iraq when he did. H ewas warned of exactly this scenario that was a possible result of the vaccuum created by our premature withdrawal. He chose to ignore those on my side. Atta boy, Calumbo.

Then he referred to ISIS as the JV. Atta boy, Calumbo.

Then at the National Prayer breakfast, instead of outlining a plan to bring these barbarians to their knees, he chose to wag his finger at Christians for atrocities that he says were committed centuries ago, when in fact the Crusades wa slaunched to halt Muslims from killing everyone they encountered (sound familiar)? Atta boy, Calumbo.

No, he's ready to ask Congress for authority to engage ISIS. ISIS (it was called "Al Queda in Irak back in 2009) was already crushed by The Surge. Because of our hasty withdrawal, we have to start all over, with no remaining infastructure in place, because we abandoned it at Obama's orders.

Atta boy, Calumbo.
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