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Old 10-27-2010, 10:03 AM   #33
Jim in CT
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"religion could be considered a root cause"

I just don't see why you need to qualify the connection between Islam and terrorism with "could be". When the terrorists tell you that they are motivated by Islam, that makes them Islamic terrorists. You'd have to have one heck of a political axe to grind to doubt that., in spite of admissions by the other party.

Bin Laden doesn't like our presence in Saudi Arabia. But he doesn't say "all good Saudi citizens are required to join the war", he says "all Muslims are required to join the war." Thus, religion is the base.

"the threat of terrorism today is primary Islamist in nature"


"if the best strategy is by winning "hearts and minds" or "peace through strength" is a different argument. "

There is no appeasing these people, unless you allow yourself to be completely subject to their brutal religious laws. Nothing short of 100% compliance with their demands will ever satishy their lust for blood. They kill people for having beards that are out of compliance, for God's sake.

If you say that killing Bin Laden doesn't make the problem go away, I agree. But the sad fact is, there is no possibility of appeasing these people, because there is no rationality behind their beliefs.

I spent 2+ years in Iraq, I know these people. They will accept nothing less than a complete obedience to Sharia law. If you complied with 99% of Sharia law, they'd cut your head off for being 1% off.

There is no way to win their hearts and minds. There are 3, only 3, choices here.

(1) we can allow the entire world to be enslaved by the barbarities of Sharia law. If we do that, the terrorism will stop.

(2) we can resist becoming slaves to Sharia law, and try to reason with these people, tell them we're sorry for all the mean things America has done. In that case, we are admitting that we're willing to live with the occasional terrorist attack, because that won't placate them one bit.

(3) we can kill them all.

I don't like saying that, especially since me and most of my friends are the ones called to do the heavy lifting (I'm a retired USMC Captain). But them there's the facts. Those facts may not serve the lefty agenda, but they are facts nonetheless.
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