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Old 01-01-2019, 07:56 AM   #71
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Originally Posted by detbuch View Post
Your article points out, rather quietly, that Trump addressed the overstay problem, and that the numbers have gone down since 2016.

Why do you say that the administration has focused far more on building a wall? It focused on the overstay and Congress has quietly implemented, as your article states, the "biometric entry-exit tracking system that would better monitor foreigners who legally visit the United States. Completion of that system, which uses fingerprints and iris scans to more accurately capture when people enter and exit the country, was included in an executive order he signed shortly after being sworn in as president."

But Congress is not cooperating on the wall, that's why the focus seems to be so large on building the wall.
Despite those gradual improvements, the report acknowledges that there is "no specific cause that can be directly attributed to the decrease in overstay rates" in 2017. Guess you missed that

and executive orders once deemed bad are not a replacement for legislation .. which some how could not be passed by his own party ...
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